Tass Cable Management Ltd is aware that some of our procedures and operations can have an impact on the surrounding environment.  In accordance with current environmental Legislation, this policy sets out how Tass Cable Management Ltd is commited to preserving the environment through the following actions:

  1. Minimise where possible any negative impact on the Local and global environment. 
  2. To fully comply with the current UK and International regulatory requirements and voluntary commitments to which the facility subscribes. 
  3. Eliminate or reduce to the maximum practical extent, the release of contaminants into the environment, first through pollution prevention (material substitution and source reduction), then recycling, and finally through treatment and control technologies. 
  4. Utilising where possible sustainability considerations into our day to day business decisions. 
  5. Periodically review and demonstrate continuous improvement in the facility’s environmental performance, including areas not subject to regulations. 
  6. Our continued use of bio degradable and recyclable packaging materials to help comply with the relevant legislation notably the ‘Duty of Care’ for waste and disposal regulations.


This policy shall apply to all TASS Cable Management personnel, contractors, part time workers and assistants who shall be paid by or under the control of TASS Cable Management Ltd during regularly scheduled work.


  • Requiring environmental awareness training of all our employees and more specific environmental training where appropriate.
  • Evaluating products and processes, dedicating ourselves to finding better alternatives based on preventing pollution in the first place.
  • Considering the risks of our raw materials and products at all stages of our product’s life, prioritising risks present during the production process and during our customers’ use of our products.

TASS Cable Management Ltd’s Environmental Policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to further help reduce our impact on the environment where possible.